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The coronavirus pandemic has become the most challenging crisis businesses may ever face.
The drastic and breakneck speed of travel restrictions and social distancing precautions have business scrambling how to get work done and keep business performance improvement.
Needless to say, I share the belief that our priorities should be to continue controlling the risks to public health and reducing the spread of coronavirus.
Despite the challenges the coronavirus presents, the situation offers unique opportunities for businesses performance improvement. Individuals will have more time to become more efficient, effective, and to advance initiatives and activities that have been on the back burner.
Consider the following actions for business performance improvement during this challenging time:
Get started and get smart on using collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Webex. Only a small percentage of people leverage the power of these tools, such as desktop video, whiteboarding, and annotating presentations. Organizations that have driven use and adoption of these tools the past several years have significantly reduced travel expenses. They consequently accelerate sales cycles and success of business initiatives that require internal or external collaboration. If your company doesn’t maximize the power of these tools during this crisis, you probably never will.
Schedule time for account and business planning you’ve been putting off. Business travel is a time and productivity killer. In a previous post, I highlighted that many professionals have less than four hours of the day to get work done – consequently, those with heavy travel have even less time. If you travel regularly, you’ll have significantly more time on your calendar. Start scheduling time blocks to advance account and business planning efforts. If you don’t schedule the time, it won’t get done.
3. Plan / Optimize Future Travels
Assess how you can optimize the amount of future travel. If the coronavirus prevention protocol extends for many months and you apply the recommendations above, you’ll likely discover that you’ll be able to get by with less travel, and your productivity will increase. I’m not suggesting that we stop traveling – it’s essential or beneficial in many situations. However, there is quite a bit of corporate travel for internal meetings or external meetings of a few hours or less.
4. Improve your daily routines.
If you are spending more time at home, you may be able to stabilize or improve your sleeping, exercise, and family-time habits. Don’t pass up the opportunity to re-calibrate your daily routines toward your priorities. Life is short.
Please continue to follow all the public health restrictions and precautions. Stay safe.