Sales Training Tips: The High Level Recipe for Success:
High-level Ingredients:
High-level Directions:
Sales Training Starts With The Sales Leaders.
A hypothetical situation to illustrate my point –
Would you focus your remedial efforts on the factory floor workers?
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Yet, many companies today decide to invest in salesperson training with expectations that the training will help solve problems that can’t practically be solved by salesperson training. (reread the sentence).
We see the situation all the time, where companies run salespeople through new product or skills training (in-person, virtual, online, etc.), expecting that the product knowledge, or certification, will help them sell the product to the desired customer segment. Yet, the efforts rarely deliver the expected results.
What’s missing most often is a sales playbook and sales leader standards, skills, and competencies necessary to incorporate new product or skills training into the existing sales effort.
If sales leaders aren’t equipped to lead and coach the right sales team behaviors, there is virtually no chance that the salesperson training will pay off. Let’s go back to the factory example from the beginning of this post. You can invest in training the factory floor employees, but without the plant managers and supervisors trained first, you’ll struggle to achieve meaningful improvements and ROI.
Salesperson training can deliver significant improvements in revenue and profit growth if the investments are supported by a sales leadership team that is prepared to lead and coach the sales organization. How do you know if your sales leaders are ready and capable? Well, you hire a third-party to conduct an assessment.
On a final note, one thing I’ve never seen is a salesperson outpace the sales leader when it comes to doing things right and doing the right things.
Get your sales leadership team capabilities in place first, then consider our salesperson training tips.
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