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Popular B2B Articles: Top 5 Shared This Year

Written by Hernan Vera | Dec 10, 2019 12:29:29 PM

                          For more Popular B2B Articles, Click Here to Subscribe to Two-Bullet-Tuesday

Like most of you, I’m focused on finishing out the year strong, so I decided to post the five most popular articles I shared with you in 2019 in case you missed them.
Here are the Top 5 Most Popular B2B articles I shared with you in 2019, in order of popularity:

Be More Persuasive With These 9 Magic Phrases – “Your ideas will never fly if you can’t move people to action.”  Click Here to recap this Week’s Insight

5 Simple Things You Should Do Every Sunday Night to Prepare for the Week Ahead – “If you know what you need to do ahead of time, you will know exactly where to dive in as soon as you get started.” –  Click Here to recap this Week’s Insight

How To Write An Effective Follow-Up Email After Meeting With Someone – “The true impact of a meeting is determined by what happens after it ends. And the first step of that post-meeting phase is a follow-up email.” –  Click Here to recap this Week’s Insight

Leadership Essentials: Six Key Habits to Living and Leading at Your Best – “I regret that I did not appreciate the power of habits 10 or 20 years ago. Lucky for you, I’m clinically obsessed with the topic of habits and the power they have to transform our professional and personal lives.”  –  Click Here to recap this Week’s Insight

The Direct Report’s Guide to Meaningful One-on-Ones – “There are many guides for managers to run one-on-ones, but not many for direct reports. Managers get trained on how to be a manager, but nobody teaches a direct report on how to be an employee.”   –  Click Here to recap this Week’s Insight

                      For more Popular B2B Articles, Click Here to Subscribe to Two-Bullet-Tuesday

                        Our Weekly Insights will be on Holiday Break until Tuesday, January 7th.

                              Until then wishing you a happy, healthy and safe holiday season.