Work From Home Productivity Tips (COVID-19)
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The coronavirus restrictions are wreaking havoc on our daily routines and our ability to get essential things done, even with more time on our calendars.
Here are a few quick work from home productivity tips to get things back on track:
1. Block time for your new or old routine
What gets calendared gets done. Block times on your calendar for specific activities and stick with it. If you want free time for family, exercise, reading and so on, plan it. Trust, me you’ll still have plenty of time to stream movies with the family.
2. Block time for email
Managing email will own you if you allow it. To own your email, you should limit the amount of time you are working in your email applications. To do that, you need to schedule the time to do your email. Remember that work expands to fill time. Try scheduling three 30 minute blocks to tackle your email during the day, and you’ll focus on the most critical email and leave the rest. This one can be hard to implement if you’ve never tried it. Try it for one day, and you’ll be amazed.
3. Start Using 15-Minute Calendar Invitations
You are probably discovering that it’s harder to get customers, prospects, vendors, and internal teams to participate or schedule meetings, as everyone’s routine and calendars are upside down. Try scheduling 15-minute meetings instead of 30 or 60-minute meetings. Others will be more likely to respond and attend. Click here to learn more about our recommended digital tools.
Please continue to follow the recommendations and precautions that have been issued by your state and local authorities. Take care of yourself so that you can take care of others.